BWSC is an advocate of the Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) program. It allow students to bring their own personal electronic device such as popular tablets and laptops to school and access online resources via the schools DOE filtered wireless network at no cost to students.
The aim is to assist students in developing their 21st century skills, perform better academically and provide enhanced communication between their teacher/s.
The school has a growing list of teaching and learning resources accessible 24 hours a day via their own GSuite for Education domain ( This includes assessment tasks, worksheets, past examinations and resources used by teachers in their lessons.
Smart phones will not be allowed in the BYOD program as they are not seen as educationally beneficial and can be used by students to access unfiltered online material via personal hotspots.
How to connect your BYOD device and use DOE Wireless
There are 2 steps required to connect your device:
1. Connect your BYOD device to the 'detnsw' wireless using your portal username@detnsw
Hardware Connection Guide
2. Authenticate into '' webpage with your web browser (ie Safari or Chrome) and sign in using your portal username@detnsw